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   Some basic questions

 related to startup. 


Some business emerged from COVID-19 lockdown. where some of them just fell apart, but there are some companies who came to support new startups.
if you want to do the same with your startup then you should be ready for each and every consequences. you have to be prepared with your teams and at least try to execute it own your own even if it's seems to be impossible, then only you can expect some help from the investors. if you try to approach them without doing these things then it's quite a big deal. 
I thought that i should give you some advice or you can say answers to some untold questions.

Preparing for Idea:

What does it mean by preparing for idea?

suppose you want to start your business but you still don't have an idea and you want it badly, then prepare for it ,search for the problems that you will like to solve . but there is one more question pops up 

"The problems that are listed in are already a world-wide problem" 
"How can I come with the solution that no one was able to?"

this question makes you more indolent try to find perfect question to solve, there is a formula that I prefer and it's my formula to get you a perfect idea

 Question/skills = Work/passion = P

P is your sub question try to divide it again by your Skills until and unless your skills tends to zero.

Whenever you will apply this formula you are preparing for your idea.

Execution of idea:

After you have done with an idea try to implement it own your own.
"Got an extreme idea!"
"But it needs a lot of capital" 
I can assure you that you haven't applied the above formula, try to break your problems and then try to solve it. Focus on the small startup idea which is easy to solve and then scale it up with the help of investors(Mentors) after when you start generating profit you can do your dream startup.

Is it that easy to do?

No it's not, you need to love what you do.
how this can be possible? 

The above formula is the answer if you have a lot of passion, then your passion 
pulls you up from the bed. it will never let you sleep.

It's not necessary that you should think like an entrepreneur it's your choice.

but remember it's better try to scale up rather watching other's susses.

No. of Team members:

Always remember that it doesn't really matters much, but as per most of the cases try to be small cause the small number will bring you the quality rather than having 15 -16 people discussing ideas will flew from one end to other and different ideas will surround you , at last you will keep discussing your idea or even change it rather then doing it.  

Don't hesitate to contact us.



  1. The big issue comes first. Funding remains one of the major challenges that emerging startups face. It's a really dicey issue in the sense that every investor prefers to put their money somewhere they know it will be safest. business opportunities

  2. The significant preferred position to consolidating in your nearby state is effortlessness. In a beginning phase startup, keeping matters basic is significant. It saves expenses and doesn't redirect organization assets toward issues that can be maintained a strategic distance from. Dr. Gőz Péter ügyvéd Debrecen

  3. Figure out how you are making and losing cash. Get benefit and misfortune explanations and what cycles and strategies connect to improving the 'benefits' of your business. SEO optimalisatie

  4. At first, you might be having an absence of certainty yet with the mentorship of a decent startup coach, you can push forward with certainty and decisively. remote team todo list

  5. In any case, a startup that is something besides an independent exertion varies strikingly from a regular private venture. Why? Not on the grounds that the actual endeavor has any unique objective other than that of building long haul and practical worth but since of how its originators see their transient objectives in the endeavor. közúti szállítmányozás Europa-Road Kft

  6. Optimistic: Optimism is the attribute that fruitful entrepreneurs share practically speaking. They accept that later on their thoughts will be fruitful organizations. They have no space for questioning their business thoughts. online

  7. Today, stories and accounts of startup business visionaries and entrepreneurs appear to be on the first page of each paper and magazine issue, filling in as a consolation or motivator for additional individuals to conceptualize and think of thoughts which, Lenos service promote music

