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Having an idea isn't enough. In order to make that idea survive in the market you need a lot of reasearch. One of the most fascinating aspects of research is its omnipresence. The practice of gathering data, analysing it and generating insight be applied in a staggering variety of setting – from science to social studies, business to politics and beyond. As well as its multitude of applications, research can also draw on a range of subject matter to improve and better the practice.This means there is a lot of inspiration out there for researchers, and also a broad range of ways it can be applied.

The role of market research.

 It is important to remember that research does not exist in a vacuum. It is surrounded by business operations, drawing on ideas that improve insight, process, communications and more. However, it can be easy to forget this – to fall into ‘research blinkers’ that narrow our field of view.

Proceeding without enough reaserch is like going to forest to camp without camping equipments, its very hard to survive. Its like giving your idea. You need to know where you are going and plan accordingly.

Generating insight from reaserch

Just knowing about the market isn't enough. The whole point of doing a thorough research is to draw conclusion and insights which will help you plan your steps.

There is a very big difference between knowing and  understanding, you can know very much about something and still don't understand it.

The goal is to transform data into information and information into insight.

Blending innovation and insight.

The innovation we are talking about here is what you need to do to keep your idea alive in the market. You need to keep up with the world and how everytime the way things work keep changing.

It's easy to come up with new ideas; the hard part is letting go of what worked for you two years ago, but will soon be out of date. You need to keep the process updated. You need to follow the trend.

Integrating voice of customer data

You will have to broad your perception and point of view in order to see how the idea will be doing in the market and how it is affecting customers. Customers make market and you need to listen to the customer. Listening is hearing the needs of the customer, understanding those needs and making sure the company recognises the opportunity they present.

You need to understand that there always is something better for you to be discovered. In order to catch up to the world you need to research. A true idealist never stops researching. 

