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Different aspects of e learnings during Covid crisis

The last year of this decade is caught by a huge pendemic.We all are fighting together against this devil according to our will.Some institutions are trying to defend us by conveying their support while others are providing opportunities so that we can nurture ourself and amplify our skills and learnings
E-learning platforms are prooving to be a boon during this hype.Let's look at this....

*_E-learning or "electronic learning" is an umbrella term that describes education using electronic devices and digital media. It encompasses everything from traditional classrooms that incorporate basic technology to online universities.

History of e learning in India and Covid 19 effect

India is not new to eLearning, for instance, Coursera, an American learning platform founded in 2012 has over 35 million users and India is second only to America when it comes to a number of people who are taking the courses. The major advantage that online learning has over offline is its flexibility. Student can learn from anywhere in the world at his convenience. Furthermore, students in our country are generally more cautious when it comes to spending and the travelling time, cost of travelling and exorbitant offline course fees only add to the woes in their otherwise busy schedule. The more technological advancement will only lead to more attraction for students and it is expected that by 2021 our Indian eLearning will be worth a staggering $2 billion.

India, too, is witnessing an e-learning boom. Classes on Zoom, WhatsApp and Skype are becoming the norm for students, parents and teachers. Yet, this abrupt transition to online hardly compensates for the absence of the classroom experience.

Since announcing free live classes on its Think and Learn app, BYJU’s has seen a 200% increase in the number of new students using its product, according to Mrinal Mohit, the company's Chief Operating Officer.

Opportunities and importance of e learning that you cannot miss
Many e-learning sites are providing free  subscriptions for their important paid courses
Most of these couses cover various aspects as follows
- Computer Programming
- Freelancing skills
-Business Experties
-Basics of startup
-Money Mangement
-Engineering related subjects
-Political analysis and awareness

Links of some of them are listed below from a single site. You can find many of them if you will be in contact touch with our next blogs

Some entertainment Companies are also providing subscriptions free of cost so you can hangout easily
Netfix also providing free subscription for single month

You cannot miss this opportunity

काव्यशास्त्रविनोदेन कालो गच्छति धीमतां।
व्यसनेन च मूर्खाणां निद्रया कलहेन वा।।

अर्थात:- à¤¬ुद्धिमान लोग काव्य-शास्त्र का अध्ययन करने में अपना समय व्यतीत करते हैं, जबकि  मूर्ख लोग निद्रा, कलह और बुरी आदतों में अपना समय बिताते हैं।

And this is what you need
So this free time is really advantageous.And this may be more exciting if all of you develop some special skills and talents
So enjoy this spare time and be motivated to develop some abilities.

Stay home stay safe and develop some skills


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