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 A girl  studying in village government school saw farmers of village worrying for no rain indications which was must for their crop production. And even few left their life journey by hanging on one of the tree of their own farm. They all were unaware and were clueless about the weather. But this stucked in girl's mind. She wanted to solve this problem by hook or by crook. She worked hard, studied well and left no stone unturned. At last he came up with an idea of "Agro Drone -cum- weather predictor". It's based on artificial intelligence based weather forecasting system and also helps to irrigate Farms and monitor it. Now farmers can study the upcoming weather accurately and sow the seeds accordingly. Also it saves their time and money as well. Shocked?? And I'm not kidding neither it's a fiction story! The story is from Assam , India. Same sort of story came up from Madhya Pradesh where a girl invented a low cost Highly Effective weather forecasting satellite whose name you can't even find on Google!! 

The question here arises " Was their life goal was to be what the are now?"  "Were they  prepared for this since very long?"  "Who Funded them?"

The only answer is there only aim was to to make farmers life easy, in business world "to solve with the so-called problem of their so-called customers"

You are not supposed to pull up your socks pack your tiffin out and search for problems. And I can guarantee even if you try you will either fail or choose another career. Again you must have a question "Where to get ideas/solutions for Start-ups?"

The answer might sound sort of spiritual but yes it's the solution just "change the way you live"

1. Pandemic hit? Shops closed? sanitization compulsory?  "foot dispenser".

2. Feeling hungry? "Zomato" (Swiggy also!) 

3. Lock down? Schools closed? "Unacademy"(also Google meet!) 

I can go endless. The difference between you and the founders of these (+Millions) startups is the way of observing things and they were not setting to let the problem reach them. They were busy in some third work Where They observed some problem and that stucked in their mind. They Applied some basic science principles +1/2 kg logic + 1/4 problem +2kg ideas +tonnes of gardai work + inbuilt Indian Jugaad + "name" as essence & here they are. You may use different proportion depending upon your customer's taste.

Building something people want isn't tough,though resistant to the change but once you are in the market you are the new normal. No doubt problems have alternative therefore do 10x better than the alternative. So when are you starting? obviously NOW!!! 

Now the question for you is "Almost all such problems are solved by some new startups then where did we search problems to be solved? "

The answer is what you are reading for 5 minutes! 

Waiting for your name in world's top startups list! 

