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Arrows, Growth Hacking, MarketingToday many of us try to build something that takes less work and can be done as a side hustle and every other startup at their first stage try to get funding on their ideas without having an execution.

 This is what you are doing right!

80 new companies are born every hour

So how can I fuel up and liftoff my startup

1. Daily Attainable goals 

Plan, To Do, List, Checklist, To Do List

Let's say you got an idea and try to execute it, First build your long term goal that will help you to set your daily goals or small goals that are more likely to be achievable.

What will you do? 

you will make very small goals that can be achievable within an hour but you will try to achieve it in a day this is not how it should be done, these are some common mistakes that entrepreneurs do  this can lead them in the state of confusion within their ideas and long term goals seems unachievable.

Then how can I build my daily goals?

Always remember! that time will give the right way to work in the smart direction so try to set monthly goals, monthly goals are believed to be the best way to start your work with but can be dangerous when you start getting customers.

So, how will I know when to change this method?

This one is simple, your daily goals will start depending on your customers and your monthly goals will only focuses in the growths and on customer accusation, I think this is quite difficult for you to understand but it will come to you when you start doing it

2. Be specific  

Connector, Usb Plug, Standard
Many entrepreneurs they always think that they know the fact how business works, they were told that they need a lot to make a lot and keep losing faith as their ideas are worthless 
Ideas are just like a seed in the jar and the jar is made up of the people that are present all around, you need to open this jar and start watering your seed and if it turned out to be a plant then this jar will break down otherwise you will be putting that lids on.

So, how can I be specific about this?

Be firm with your idea and try to work in small groups and take useful suggestion from them, sometimes people you are working with try to demotivates you when you have worked with them for a month 
Listen them or if you find that they are bit lazy and try to escape from work so try to remove them.
Ideas should not be influenced until you have try that out, give it a try and then rethink and innovate but before trying DO NOT GET INFLUENCED BY PEOPLE OR BY SURROUNDINGS.

3. Collect customer dataAnalysis, Analytics, Business, Charts

collecting customer data is a bit time taking process and usually it's the first priority for startups to collect relevant data of their customers and their competitors.

So, how can I collect data ?

Watch your surrounding make a chart of average people spending in some type of product get the seasonal data of that product or try to talk to your friends about your product, will they buy this product without knowing that this product or services belongs to your startup this will give the genuine feedback for your product to start with.

There are many factors out there that are affecting your product or services but there are major factors
that need to be done
# Find your root customers and find how much will they pay for it
# Simplicity is the key to believance  so try to make simple for the customers to understand 
# If your product is similar to that which are already out there so try to take feedbacks from the customers of your competitor that will help you to build your business in much faster and in the efficient way 

4. Tell about your products

Call Out, Advertisement, Campaign

Creating buzz about your product or services is difficult but not impossible  people often take this as an advertisement, advertisement is not much beneficial when it comes to a regular product you need a proper budget to spend on advertisements some times Facebook ads are also not effective for a regular product ,you need more to spend.

# Sending 'Ice cold emails'
What are they?
they are actually a informative mail it can be commercial or non commercial that are sent to some unknown persons.

It's just like cold calls but less annoying 
# try to talk to any influencer from Facebook, Instagram and YouTube or try to contact to some Influencer Agencies

#  Partnering with some small business or people which are linked with your products and are not your direct competitor, this will help you to grow while mutually benefiting each other  

These are some of my own experience related to growth hacks
Do comment if you have your own idea & feel free to contact us  




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