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 Robot, Cyborg, Droid, Bot, Tech, Alien

Thank God! I choose mechanical as a branch of engineering. Doesn't matter how good or bad my college is. At least I will not be a rich servant! But how? Because this is what 50% of Engineers do after graduation in India. Working  9-5 as hell with annual package 3.2 lakh($4,339). They are equivalent to labours working in mines & on hazardous furnaces which threat to their health. the computers does this job here. Both are Trapped In The vicious circle of their Bosses.

Let me be very specific. It is not to criticize either. These are talented engineers. I won't take a second to count on their knowledge, their skill and the potential in them. Then who actually is to be blamed? And why I am here?

Boss, the masters, the decision makers of Indian tech companies and the system of working has to be blamed or say is the cause of not having a global say. And I am here to discuss challenges faced and there solutions.

Recently Google removed Paytm from the Google app store claiming breaking of gambling terms and conditions. Paytm alleged Google for using its market dominance and monopoly to arbitrarily and forcing policies and targeting competitors.

The question arises here is 'what if we had our own Play Store?' & why not yet? This drags me to the point that " Indian companies fears failure / competition". They suffers the 'what-if' syndrome. And before they could decide some smart engineer in USA (of Indian Origin) Masters it. 

The solution is very easy,  just INITIATE. Have that courage to take risks (calculated)

Every year India produces 1.5 million young talented and enthusiastic engineers. But only 20% of them get employed in their core domain. But are they given equal opportunities to showcase their talent? So many don't choose corporate life as their life goal. Why? 

'SPOILING TALENT' . Indian corporate sector don't value the talent. They are unable  to utilise the potential. The cost of engineer in India is very low. One is offered 3 lakh  in India and 30 lakh in USA for the same job. Indian engineer forms the workforce of the Global players. 

The solution remains in providing these talent a good pay scale they must be provided better career opportunities ,should be allowed to showcase their skill,provide them internships and allow them to live a 'QUALITY LIFE' by balanced Work-Life. And see they won't leave a stone unturned. 

According to International Monetary Fund India holds 55% shares in global services sector. And most of the established MNCs are service providers. They provide softwares and solutions to the complex problems and issues of global players putting themselves behind the curtain

+ they don't actually have their products in the market. They are as rigid as 'Tauu in Village'. They don't want any change. The 'let it be' syndrome. Consumers praises 'GOOGLE' not TCS or Infosys whose staff as worked dusk to dawn to solve their quarries! 

The solution remains in 'Think Global Act Local'. Settled MNCs should come up with products which is reliable and User-friendly. Start-ups should solve Global issues then only they will have Global demand! 

How can we just finish this without praising or dear Government. There has been a lack of political will since post independence and this Modi government is no different.

Policies are made schemes are launched bills are parsed but Implementation. . Sorry? What is that? Special Economic Zone was Coined in India & today China masters on it. 

Government being conservative caused only 60 billion US dollar FDI inflow. When whole world was crying on the name of China, thousands of companies were supposed to shift to India. But how many actually shifted?  How many Trade deals have been signed? How many FTAs? Despite having bad infrastructure and ecosystem the government remains to be tough to the businesses. 

Government must build up that ecosystem and infrastructure which promotes the startup culture and allowed the Talent to grow Globally

+must Focus on Economy. GDP per capita of India= $2000      USA=$62,000

Until and unless consumer's pockets are empty how can they spend? If we have good economy, people will have money, with 1.3 billion domestic Consumers, Companies even don't have to have Global say! 

So, entrepreneur must do R&D, skill up them self, gain the courage to take risks, initiate, innovate, build trust hand in hand government should provide all possible help to them & remain focused towards 1 aim i.e. Growth which is in Global Reach! 

These are my thoughts hope you like, do comment for more topics.

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